United Way of Collier and the Keys is grateful to announce a dollar-for-dollar donation match of up to $100,000,
thanks to the generosity of Mrs. Ellen Vanderburg. Every contribution will go twice as far
to support individuals and families in our community.
In a post-Hurricane Milton Wellness Survey conducted by United Way of Collier and the Keys, 1,701 responses over three days revealed food as the most urgent need, with household goods also among the top five. The survey, shared via text and email with Collier County residents likely in need, helped identify priority areas. View the full survey results and a map of response locations HERE. In response, 304 applications were approved by UWCK, providing $30,400 worth of gift cards to help 918 people, thanks to Mrs. Ellen Vanderburg’s $100,000 matching donation.
Hurricane Milton Recovery Checklist
GUIDE: Replacing lost documents
UWCK Milton assistance news coverage
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When you need non-emergency help, call 2-1-1 to reach a trained specialist who can assist you.
Dial: 211 or 239-263-4211
Email: uw211help@gmail.com
Text: Your zip code to 898-211
ALERT Collier is Collier County’s mass notification system for local emergency alerts.
Sign up for real-time notifications here.
Special needs shelters are designed to meet the needs of persons who require assistance that exceeds services provided at a general population shelter.
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Click here to learn about our Disaster Case Management Program.
For more information, call 305-735-1929
Click here to visit Keyshelp.org
United Way of Collier and the Keys DOES NOT CURRENTLY PROVIDE DIRECT FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE to clients but has compiled a listing of health and human services resources for Keys residents who need assistance.
This guide is to help our community find the resources they need during times of uncertainty. Resources include childcare, food pantries, rent and utilities assistance, and medical and mental healthcare.
ALERT Monroe is Monroe County’s mass notification system for local emergency alerts.
Sign up for real-time notifications here.
Special needs shelters are designed to meet the needs of persons who require assistance that exceeds services provided at a general population shelter.
Hurricane season runs from June 1 to Nov. 30. You are encouraged to utilize these tools to prepare for a major storm.
Find everything from preparing your home, to evacuation protocols, and what to do after a hurricane.
Download NowResidents should stock a disaster supply kit that lasts the household, including pets, for at least 7+ days.
Learn Morescroll to read more
In the case of a natural disaster, you may be eligible for FEMA Individual Assistance.
Click here or call 1-800-621-3362 to see if you are eligible and to apply.
The Disaster Distress Hotline is available 24/7 and in several languages.
Call: 1-800-985-5990
Text: TalkWithUs to 66746.
For Spanish speakers, you can access the helpline at the same number or by texting Hablanos to 66746.
This helpline is staffed by trained crisis counselors.
Sign up for local alerts and warnings, test your emergency plans, stock emergency supplies, collect critical information, and more.
What To DoFollow guidance from local authorities, determine how to protect yourself, and more.
What To DoPay attention to local officials for information and special instructions, do not enter damaged buildings until they are inspected, never walk or drive on flooded roads, and more.
What To Do