Dolly Parton's Imagination Library

Inspiring a love of reading in the youth of Collier and Monroe Counties


What Is It?

Dolly Parton's Imagination Library is a book gifting program that sends free, high-quality, and age-appropriate books by mail to children from birth until they start school at age five.

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Register Today!

If you live in Monroe County or Collier County, you may qualify for Dolly Parton's Imagination Library. Click the links below to register!

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Collier County

Collier County

Click HERE to register if you live in Collier County.

Upper Keys

Upper Keys

Click HERE to register if you live in the Upper Keys.

Middle Keys

Middle Keys

Click HERE to register if you live in the Middle Keys.

Lower Keys

Lower Keys

Click HERE to register if you live in the Lower Keys.


Why did you choose the Imagination Library?

In 1995, Dolly Parton launched an initiative to benefit children in her home county in East Tennessee, aiming to foster a love of reading among preschoolers and their families. She wanted to ensure every child had access to books, regardless of income. Today, the program mails over 1 million books monthly, significantly boosting literacy rates worldwide. United Way of Collier and the Keys, in partnership with local organizations in Collier and Monroe Counties, chose this remarkable program to provide every child the opportunity to grow.

How does it work?

Children in participating communities can enroll in the program from birth. Once signed up, they receive a new, age-appropriate book each month until their fifth birthday. To be eligible, a child’s community must have a local sponsor to cover the book and mailing costs and manage the program. In our area, only children in Monroe or Collier County are currently eligible to register.

Who can receive books?

All children from birth to 5 years of age who live in Monroe or Collier County are eligible to receive books.

What is the cost of the books, and who funds them?

There is no cost to the families who receive books, as they are funded by donations from people in Monroe and Collier Counties. You can make a donation online or honor friends and family by donating in their name.

How much does it cost to run?

The Imagination Library costs an average of $36 per child per year. Besides the cost of books and mailing, we also need to purchase registration brochures and cover administrative costs, including database maintenance. UWCK covers all administrative expenses, ensuring that 100% of every donation goes directly toward the purchase and mailing of books.

Who chooses the books?

A national committee reviews the Imagination Library book selection annually. New titles are introduced each year to ensure younger siblings do not receive the same books as their older siblings. Additionally, as the program expands, more quality books become available for inclusion.

What research supports the values of the program?

Educators and researchers worldwide agree that reading with preschool children is the single most important activity to prepare them for school.

How can I enroll my child?

If you live in Monroe or Collier County, you can register online, in person or download a registration form. Complete the form and mail it to the address on the form or email it as an attachment to

How long does it take for the books to arrive?

The first book typically arrives eight to ten weeks after a child's enrollment form is activated. Books are ordered on the 1st of each month for delivery by the last week of the following month. For example, if enrollment is activated before 5:00 p.m. on June 1st, the first book will arrive by the last week of July. If activated after 5:00 p.m. on June 1st, it will arrive by the last week of August. After the first book, subsequent books will arrive monthly.

I am moving. Will my child continue to receive books?

If you remain in Monroe or Collier County, your child can continue receiving books from our Imagination Library program. Just update your address with us and notify the United States Postal Service. If you move out of our service area, you can still receive books if your new zip code is covered by the program. Updating your address will automatically transfer you to the new location’s program if available. If there is no local sponsor in the new area, your child will no longer receive books.